General Interest:
~ Cliff Sandeson chaired and began the business meeting at 7:15. He mentioned Gordon Weatherby’s fall in the hospital parking lot, which broke his knee cap. A get well card will be sent out.
~ Paul Heyman had the “Best of Show” picture in the Harvestfest contest. His image, “The End of Summer” entitled him to a plaque that we’ve circulated for the past three years and a cheque for $50.00, presented by last year’s winner Douglas Purdy.
~ Cliff paused the meeting for 10 minutes as Holly and Pat proud, new parents of Parker, brought their bundle of joy in for us to meet. He was the only one to sleep through the meeting.
~ Here follows in part a letter from Marco Gallo, manager of Henry’s photo store in Halifax. This letter was sent to the membership, by Cliff on Saturday, Oct. 23rd.
We provide a camera club discount – quite modest on cameras and lenses (but we price match anyway), but more importantly gives discounts on the items that don’t usually go on sale – tripods, bags, filters and lighting. The discounts are mixed and based on category (Velbon tripods will have more discount than Manfrotto or Gitzo) and all discounts are taken off of regular prices.
We also offer 20% off any of our School of Imaging classes (except for private ones we host eg. Eric Boutelier-Brown’s Photo 101 class).
All I need from you is a graphic for your side of the card and we will have them printed and in your hands within a few weeks.
Also – please let me know if you have any events coming up. My prize budget is modest (but I will do what I can), and we occasionally send guest speakers with the newest gear and/or structured presentations.
I have cc’d this email to the manager of the Dartmouth store as well – Andrew Athanasiou. The advantage you have is that your club is of equal distance to both stores so we can combine our efforts.
I look forward to supporting your club and hope to see you in our store soon!
All the best, Marco Gallo, Manager, Henry’s Photo-Video-Digital
Canadian owned and operated since 1909
120 Susie Lake Cres. Halifax, NS B3S 1C7
T: 902-450-2552F: 902-450-5787 W:
Cliff spoke about the email he sent to Henry’s photo – video and digital store. He provided them with the original logo that the photo club used when it started in 1981.
Dear Members, Just to let you know, the attached logo was the original logo and the one I was looking for. I have already forwarded it to Henry’s but have not heard back from them. I assume that it is too late to send a new copy now although a couple of people havevolunteered to produce a new logo. I like the old one but someday, we should discuss whether we need an updated logo to reflect the digital age. Cliff
Cliff had a sample card at the meeting. This helped to explain that… These cards will be written up by the treasurer, as he takes dues from the members each year. (This means that each paid person should have our website address.) This is how they become a membership cards. Henry’s won’t give discounts to people who don’t carry their cards. The logo space is minuscule and may have to run vertical, so that a member’s name and the year of paid up membership is written, filling in the provided blanks.
With the sample card before me, this is what the back looks like:
Membership Card
This is to certify
____________is a member in good standing____________ ______________Expires HPS Officer
Cliff would like this settled soon so that Henry’s would send us the cards (by the November meeting – “within a few weeks”), and so members would have them for their Christmas shopping. If members have been working on a logo, or perhaps like the logo that is on our present website, or have any more thoughts regarding this, then please send it in to Cliff as soon as possible. The older version that has already been sent will be used for the Henry’s card. However, a membership card may be designed and issued in addition to the Henry’s card. We will discuss this possibility in more detail after Christmas.
Treasurer’s Report:
~ Douglas Purdy, our new treasurer, will collect dues for the at our regular meetings.. The dues remain the same: $15.00 a year for an individual, $20.00 per family or $2.00 per visit.
~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (last Wednesday of each month) and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30. In the months of January, February and March there will be two meeting per month.
Meetings will be held in room 305.
~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings. Please mark your name clearly on the CD.
~ Check out our website .
Upcoming: Members night – November 24th
1) Two images are to be to be e-mailed to Tyler Rogers no later than Sunday, Nov 21st. The image theme is “Reflections”, if possible apply your name as a text layer to the corner of your photos. This can be one megabite per image (that is a 1,000 pixels on the longest side). If you don’t know how to convert them, then send them the best way you can.
2) Silent Slide Essay (show): Ten-15 images all relating to a central theme (can tell a story). These images can be put on a flash drive and brought to the meeting on Nov. 24th – this is without music or sound.
3) Member’s night images: a collection of 10-50 images that you have taken over the summer and or fall. This could be field trips or other images you’ve taken and want to share – these are to be put on flash drive with you name on it, and given to Tyler also on the night of Nov. 24th. Remember to save your favourite 5 for the Christmas party!
December 10th, Christmas Party:
Christmas Party: food, fun and white elephant gift exchange.
We can bring five of our favorite images on flash drive to the party and Tyler will look after projecting the images onto the big screen. If we have the ability, we could add our names or initials, to the image.
~ December 10 (11th storm date) Christmas party (details in future minutes)starts at 5:30. Bring your “Favorite Five” photos and a White Elephant gift.
Evening Program October 27th:
~ “Creative Landscape Photography” Colin Campbell a retired teacher from Halifax, was our presenter. He picked up where he left off at his April presentation. The projected images were creative and from his worldly travels. He took the time to tell us how he worked them in Lightroom or PhotoShop. It was very inspiring.
This Season’s Meetings:
~ A complete rundown of events is posted on the website.
There were approximately 30 members in attendance.
The meeting closed near 9:30 p.m.Submitted,Millie Russell