General Interest:
~ Cliff Sandeson chaired and began the business meeting at 7:05.
~ Harvestfest Meeting: After detailed discussions it was decided that Semi-Pro will be considered as a nineth category. (Semi-Pro being someone who earns $2,000.00 a year or morethrough the sale of photography or has a professional website aimed at marketing photographic services.) We will try this for 2010 and gauge the interest at the Harvestfest.
The number of entries that a person is allowed has been reduced to four, anywhere in the eight categories. This will mean less pre-judging. Tyler will put the entry forms on the web site and it will be available in the stores in August.
Cliff went through all the upcoming events for the 2010 – 2011 year. He will send this out in its completed form and Tyler will make it visible on the web site.
Membership was brought up. The discussion started at what the benefits of being a member entails. Field trips remain open with everyone welcome to come along.
Cliff thanked Gordon for his years of placing the photo club’s meetings in the “What’s Happening” section of the Daily News. Donna MacNeil will take this over this duty.
Cliff is looking for a new coordinator: a greeter would welcome anyone new to the club and get their information so that they could receive emails. Please contact Cliff if you think you could serve in this position.
Cliff brought up the Colchester Historical Society Museum & Archives “Shutterbugs in the Park”, photo contest. He thanked Douglas for bringing in the entry forms. Carsand- Mosher Photographic is the generous supplier of the winning prizes.
Cliff will take over the email list from Donna. He will also be the trip organizer.
Treasurer’s Report:
Donna Mac Neil handed out a written report:
Balance as of May 13, 2009 $ 849.46
Income $1,203.76
Expenses $ 639.70
Balance as of May 20th, 2010 $1,413.52
Dues are $15.00 a year for an individual,
$20.00 per family or $2.00 per visit.
~ Donna will pass the treasurer duties on to
Douglas Purdy as of June 1st.
~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (eachmonth) and the programs for the evenings will start at7:30. Most meetings will be held in room 305.
~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings. Please mark your name clearly on the CD.
~ Check out our website .
Gary Friedman –Seminar August 14th and 15th, 2010:
~ Gary Friedman (a former Nassau engineer) is planning a seminar here in Truro August 14th and 15th. The cost is $100.00 per day (possible attendance of two full days or just the one day). Gary Friedman has offered two tickets to our club to sell tickets on (and raise money). Whoever wins, will attend a seminar day, free of charge. Cliff encouraged us to register soon, your cheque will not be cashed until two weeks before Aug.14th.
~ Day one, those attending will learn how to take better pictures. Day two deals more with the digital aspect of photography. Cliff stressed how capable Gary is in teaching more than basic photo information about photography. He encouraged members to try to put aside money to attend this worthwhile event. The five of us who attended his workshops in Yarmouth last year were quite impressed. He uses the time wisely and you are given compressive handouts that leave room for your own notes. Worth the money.
At any meeting, please ask Cliff for the $5.00 tickets.
Evening Program: ~
~ Member’s Night brought 27 people who shared an average of 25 to 30 images, mostly through the projector. We had one visitor Diane, and we were happy to see her quality photos.
Mid meeting we stopped to celebrate the new life that Holly Ireland is carrying. Joanne Bouley presented her with a cake and a gift card for Wal-Mart for $75.00 collected from the members. We wish Holly and Patrick all the best in this next stage of their lives.
This Season’s Meetings and Field Trips :
~ The revised and completed 2010 – 2011 Agenda willsoon be posted on our website.
~ May 30th, members who wish to participate in the VictoriaPark walk for flora and fauna are to meet at the bandstand in the park Sunday at 9:00 a.m. David Dickie will leadthe group but would appreciate members who could helpthose attending, who might need assistance with theircameras.
~ June 5 (rain date June 6th) is our trip from Merigomish toAntigonish. Meet at the Staples parking lot at 8:30. Pleaselet Cliff know if you are coming or if you have had tocancel, so that those at the parking lot are not left waiting.
We should reach Big Island by 9:30. Here there is 5 km ofbeach and a wharf. There is a33km hiking trail and lighthouse at CapeGeorge. There is a lot to see at Balentine’s Cove (takethe road on the left before going down into the cove for alook off). As you can see there will be many stops.Bring a picnic lunch. Supper will be in Antigonish at approx.5:30.
There were 27 people in attendance.
Meeting closed near 9:00 p.m.Submitted,Millie Russell