October 26th, 2011

Tyler RogersMeeting Minutes

Image Makers Photo Club

Truro, Nova Scotia

  October 26th, 2011



General Interest:

President, Wayne Talbot began and chaired the business meeting at 7:15.


Wayne spoke about (CAPA) Canadian Association of Photographic Art and asked if we wanted to spend the $130.00 to join as a club. (A club of 21 to 50 members is $100.00.  For 50 members plus it is $130.00.) (Individual cost per year is $55.00). 

The Atlantic zone contact person is Leo Allain, Cliff Sandeson is the treasurer. Some of the benefits: we would receive magazines four times a year; also that we would be able to access national competitions: and we would also receive emails and updates. They host three day seminars with field trips. The next one will be in Fredericton in 2013.

For more information see their site www.capacanada.ca


~ Wayne suggested that we might consider taking 15 minutes of each meeting to explore what he has called “Learning Moments”.  Topics and presenters could be drawn from the members. If you have any ideas please forward them to   wayne.talbot@bellaliant.net


~ Wayne has also asked if any of the members have items they want on the agenda to please send them to him, in sufficient time for him to consider adding to the evening’s schedule.


~ One book that President Wayne recommended was The Art of Photography.  Author www.barnbaum.com   ISBN 978-1-933952-68-0

~ Another recommendation was the magazine “The Shutterbug”.  This teaches about specific topics and back issues can be ordered.


~ An executive meeting met regarding the different elements of the Harvestfest contest.  Minutes were taken and this topic will be brought up for review nearer the time of the next Harvestfest. (Perhaps before we end in May.)


~ David Burrell spoke about the Truro Image Makers Photo Club Handbook.  He has made all the corrections that were agreed upon in September.  This was accepted by consensus. Thank you David to you and your team for all your work, and the persistence it took to fine tune all the minute points.


~ George Klass will be contacted to see if he would be willing to do his presentation titled “My Mind’s Eye” Pre-visualization before you take your Picture. The possible date for this Nov. 16th.

This has been confirmed and we look forward to learning some new pointers  from George.


~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (last Wednesday of each month) and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30.   All meetings will be now be held in room 229.


~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email tyro@eastlink.ca.  Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings.  Please mark your name clearly on the CD.


~ Check out our website www.imagemakerstruro.ca .


Treasurer’s Report:

~ Douglas Purdy, our treasurer was not available to take the dues, so Brian Russell took them in his absence.  The dues remain the same: $15.00 a year for an individual, $20.00 per family or $2.00 per visit. 


~ From previous minutes:  Derek Coombs and Sophie have been in contact with NSCC organizing details for our opportunity to share and sell pictures in 2012, at the “Art Gallery” in the McCarthy building.  This will take place in April and May.


Field trip Oct. 15th:

~ For the Hants County waterfalls was cancelled.


Evening Programs: October 26th:

~ George Klass was unable to present his program.

~ Cliff Sandeson filled in the evening with Basic Photoshop Operations.

He briefly shared info regarding his health concerns and why he was unable to fulfill some of his photo club commitments.

Cliff used his own images on his laptop that was projected on the big screen, so that we could see each step that he did, in his Adobe Elements 2 program. Cliff takes his memory card out of his camera and plugs it into a USB thumb drive, which he downloads to his computer (rename your folder here).  Although he stressed that this was “basic Photoshop” he touched on a wide variety of improvements that could enhance your photos.  I will only touch on a few points:  the first step is to always duplicate your original; go to enhance to view the possibilities for brightness and contrast as well as hue and saturation (the amount is your own personal choice); under Filter you can use sharpen or unsharp mask – the amounts that work best for Cliff are Radius 26, Thresold 2, and amount  95, there is a danger of overdoing this.  When using curves specific areas of a picture can be lightened or darkened.  Cliff isolated the face of a blue jay and used the elliptical marquee tool to lighten its face.  He also used the magic wand tool to place blue in the sky of his images. We learned that the dodge tool lightens and the burn tool darkens.  He also reviewed the steps for creating a montage image and one that had the Orten effect.


Upcoming Events:

~November 30th Member’s Night:

1.   Theme Mailboxes (three images)

2.   Silent Essays (approximately 15 images)

3.   Share your favorite images (20 – 25 images)


Of Interest:

Petersen Learning series , “Photographic Digital Photography Guide” can be found at the following website: www.photographic.com

A free photo magazine with an excellent variety of topics:  http://www.photographybb.com/

~ Annual Fall Photo Guild Saturday, November 26th at the Burke Center, St. Mary’s.  This is at the end of Robie St.   Held from 8:00 – 10:00 pm.



This Season’s Meetings:

~ A complete rundown of events is posted on the website. 

~George Klass will do his presentation titled “My Mind’s Eye” Pre-visualization before you take your Picture. The date for this is Nov.16th.

~ Member’s Night is November 30th. Send your mailbox images to Tyler.

   Have your other pix on a flash drive or on a CD.

~ Christmas party Potluck December 9 (or 10th storm date).  White elephant gift exchange.


There were 23 in attendance. 

Meeting closed near 9:45 p.m.      



If there are any errors or omissions please email me within a week of receiving this.

My email is mandbrussell@eastlink.ca                                          
                                                                                                             Millie Russell