January 26th, 2011

Tyler RogersMeeting Minutes

General Interest:
~ Cliff Sandeson chaired and began the business meeting at 6:30.

Treasurer’s Report:
Douglas Purdy, our new treasurer was available to take the dues.  The dues remain the same: $15.00 a year for an individual, $20.00 per family or $2.00 per visit.  Doug had the list of who has paid and who has not.

~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (last Wednesday of each month) and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30. During the months of February and March there will be two meetings per month.   All meetings will be held in room 305.

~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email tyro@eastlink.ca.  Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings.  Please mark your name clearly on the CD.

~ Check out our website www.imagemakerstruro.ca ..

Evening Program January 19 th:
“What does this button do?” Cliff instructed this very informative class. Different camera types were covered by a few others, who were familiar with what Cliff was covering for Canon cameras.  Cliff started with the word THINK.  He wanted us to get the message that we need to pay attention to changes we can make in our DSLRs,  by making these adjustments in the camera. There were 29 people present. We learned a great deal.

Evening Program January 26th –
There was a business meeting from 6:30 – 7:30.
Cliff sent a detailed email on all items discussed at the hour long meeting.
Please check your Thursday 27th, email.

The theme was “cold”.
The group sent two images each into Tyler and he showed them on the big screen.
Following this three experienced evaluators discussed the two images (per member) that were also sent in to Tyler.  We were asked over the internet to nominate members to be the three panelists. The three were Tyler Rogers, Wayne Talbot and Cliff Sandeson. Here are some of the general statements made by the panelists:
When you want to slow your shutter speed down to take pictures of flowing water, you can add your polarizer to your lens. You might try 3 seconds on Tv ..If you are shooting through a vehicle window, increase your ISO, 400 and up.You are looking for an” impact effect”. Consider leading lines and the light when you are composing a picture.  Simplify and exclude – eliminate  items that don’t add to the image.  Check to make sure that the main subject is clear / sharp, especially the eyes. For “catch lights” in the eyes, try using the flash.For sunset pictures set the white balance on “cloudy”.Most captured images fall into one of three categories; a record shot; I tried to be creative shot; art popping ~ to hang up on the wall.Always use your “histogram”. By viewing the histogram, you can check to see if you are clipping the colors on either end. You can also see if you have “blinkies” which are an indicator that you have sections that are blown out (hotspots).  If so then make adjustments in your camera to counteract this. Try moving your “exposure composition” to minus 2/3 or +2/3.  Try to get the histogram as far to the right as possible without clippin g the highlights. Shoot a number of images making a variety of changes, as you try work the picture.A dark section in the image may anchor your picture.   Try capturing a mood. Look at all four corners before you click the button. Eliminate distractions.If you have no detail in your sky, try cropping it out in your post processing. Try different sized pictures such as square, to place on your wall – they command more attention, because they are different.  Consider cropping tightly.
Evening Program February  9 th, 2011:
Liquid nitrogen – bring your camera. This evening will be broken into two segments, allowing for two groups of 15 people each, to participate.  A list was sent around to sign up for each segment.
There will be a large mirror, a fan, lighting and water involved in this fun night. The first group 6:30 – 7:45, stop and clean up.  Second group 8:00- 9:15, stop and restore the room for class time, the following day.

This Season’s Meetings:
~ A complete rundown of events is posted on the website.

There were approximately 30 in attendance.

Meeting closed near 9:30 p.m.Submitted,Millie Russell