Dear Members,
In the absence of both President Wayne Talbot and vice president Brian Russell, the meeting was called to order and chaired by Cliff Sandeson at 7:20 pm.
The following items were discussed.
1. March 7 trip to the Shubenacacdie Wildlife Park. A separate email will be sent with the details for this trip
2. Saturday Morning Seminars are set for April 20th. John Sylvester, a professional photographer from Prince Edward Island, will be the featured speaker.
He will present two seminars entitled “Zen and the Art of a Professional Photographer and “Oh Canada”. The seminars will begin at 9:00am. The cost will
be $10.00 for Imagemakers Members and $12.00 for non-members.
The venue for this event is still being discussed. The lecture theatre at the NSCC may be available to us and if the cost was reasonable, this would be our first
choice for this event. If we are not able to use the lecture theatre, the seminars will be held at First Baptist Church on Prince Street.
3. Tyler is organizing a field trip to Sugar Moon on March 10th. The trip will involve pancakes, snowshoeing/walking and of course photography. Details will follow shortly.
4. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 13th. Tyler Rogers, Jim Hardiman and Wayne Talbot will discuss some of their favourite online resources. If you have a
favourite site that you think they should look at, feel free to email one of them with your suggestion.
5. Wayne is still trying to get our insurance needs on the agenda for a town council meeting. Hopefully this will happen on Monday, March 4th. If it does not, we may
have to re-locate our March meetings. As for now however, just plan on coming to room 229.
6. The program for the evening was an evaluation of images submitted by our members. About 30 images were submitted and all were of high quality. Panel members
Joanne Maxwell, Tyler Rogers and Cliff Sandeson offered thoughts and suggestions for each image. We hope that people found the comments positive, appropriate and helpful.
Submitted by Cliff Sandeson in the absence of our secretary Millie Russell