October 28th, 2009

Tyler RogersMeeting Minutes

~ The meeting was chaired by Cliff Sandeson. He welcomed new people.

Treasurer’s Report:
Donna Mac Neil gave a brief treasurer’s report for the time period up to Oct.6:
Membership dues since September – $265.00
Entry fees for the Harvestfest contest – $412.00
Balance as of Oct.6th –    $1,356.33
Dues are $15.00 a year for an individual, $20.00 per family or $2.00 per visit.

General Interest:
~ Cliff began the business meeting at 7:00. He reviewed the field trip to Ross Farm, with nine attending (welcome Jim and Judy to the club). He mentioned that Tyler is the trip organizer.

~ Image Analysis: Cliff spoke about this which takes place in February between the Lower Sackville photo club and us.  There were six members who attended the Sackville club’s analysis on Oct. 21st, to see how it was handled. He read us the poem of Six Blind Men and an Elephant to try and let the us know that everyone participating in the analysis, was sure that they had the right understanding of the projected image, from the point of view that they were asked to look at it (based on the sheet of paper they were given).

Cliff left a sheet of paper for members to sign.  These people will form a committee who will discuss the merits of both Sackville’s method and our method of critiquing. Any one interested please contribute your name and / or thoughts to Cliff through email.

Harvestfest: There were 270 entries this year.  Cliff commented that they were strong images. He also said that the boards for display hold 140-150 comfortably and that this year different categories were put up on display after taking some down after one week had passed. Cliff thanked those who helped out at Truro Home Video.
The concern at present is that there could be even more entries in 2010. John Shickler wrote an email to Cliff regarding possible changes, before he departed to his home in the States: He felt the categories “were spot on”.  He suggested a total of 4 entries per person (it is now 8) + one digital image.  If the entry fee was $3.00 per image, then you would earn the same monies.
We have until next July before decisions regarding this have to be made. Cliff did leave a sheet of paper on the table for interested people to sign up to form a committee to discuss this and bring it back to the regular meeting. Again, anyone who would like their name on the sheet or has thoughts on the subject may email Cliff.

Christmas Party: Cliff mentioned the fun we have at our Christmas parties, which is scheduled for Dec. 5, with a storm date of Dec. 6th.  (Note change from previous schedule.)  Doors will be open at 5:30, eating planned for 6:00 – this is to accommodate getting out before the alarm goes off at 11:00. It is to be held at St. John’s Anglican Church hall.  From previous years we know to wear a sweater and to be ready with a gift, for the white elephant exchange (something that was once useful to you but you now have grown tired of). How you wrap this gift is totally up to your imagination.
This is also “Members Night”, when you bring photos by way of a flash drive, CD or prints to share with others. These should not take up more than 5 minutes per person.
And yes, it is a potluck, a time when you can bring a friend or partner to share in this very social evening.  If you are two people (or more), then please bring two (or more) different food dishes, to share.
April 10th, Saturday Seminar:
Sheri Tucker has another commitment and cannot be present for the seminar (9:00 – 12:00). Peter Steeper will still be speaking to us on “Creating Better Inkjet Prints at Home”.  If anyone has any ideas for another presenter, then please pass those suggestions on to Cliff.  Thank you.

Halifax Photo Guild:
The fall meeting will take place at the Burke Center (St. Mary’s University), from 8:00 – 10:00, on November 21st. Free will offering is taken at the door.
It was noted that Andre Gallant will be doing a workshop for the Halifax Guild in February (date to be checked).  You can check the date yourself by googling the Photo Guild of Nova Scotia and checking their program listings.

Gary Friedman – two day Seminar in 2010:
Five of our photo club attended a seminar by G. Friedman in Yarmouth this past summer.  Cliff was asking to see how much interest there is among members who may want to attend this.  The cost is $100.00 per day (possible attendance of two full days or just the one day).  We would extend this invitation to all the other photo clubs that we have contact with.  Please give this your consideration, he is very knowledgeable (and a good teacher) with a relaxed personality. Cliff will get back to him, once he has spoken to the other clubs.

~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30.  Most meetings will be held in the Lecture Theatre (LT) as posted on our program and in email notices. In November itwill be in room 305. From January to May we hope to be back in the lecturetheatre.    For our planning night in May we will be in room 326.

~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email tyro@eastlink.ca.  Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings.  Please mark your name clearly on the CD.

~ Check out our website www.imagemakerstruro.ca .
Evening Program:
~ On October 28th Tyler Rodgers gave us a one and one half hour presentation on “Shoot, Don’t Shop” – that is, better pictures in the camera.  He started us with the phrase “garbage in, garbage out”. He reminded us not only of the basics but spoke about camera modes, histogram, and lighting basics and its language, temperature and quality. He also spoke about composition, leading lines, symmetry and balance, focus and depth of field. Tyler also shared some of his favorite philosophical points, here are but a few:
~ Images aren’t about dynamic range and mega pixels.
They’re about stories and moments.
~ You cannot specialize in everything (find out what you enjoy and shoot that for a month). Those who are great are good at one thing (e.g. portraits, flowers).
~ It’s easier to focus on buying that next piece of equipment, than it is to accept   that you should be able to create great work, with what you already have. Buy more equipment only when you’ve outgrown your current equipment (limited by).
~Embrace frustration. It pushes you to learn and grow.  It broadens your horizons and lights a fire under you when your work has gone cold.

Thank you Tyler, for all the time you put into it. We all can learn from what you shared.
This Season’s Meetings:
~ A complete rundown is posted on the website.
~ November 25th – “Adventures in the North West Territories”
by Robert and Sandy Moser.
~ December 5th (with the 6th Storm Date)- Christmas Party & Members Night.
Members’ Night:Members’ night provides each of us with the opportunity to share our pictures from field trips, our summer, and / or any of our favorites.
Next Field Trip:November 8th – Sambro and area. This may include Ketch Harbor, and back to Halifax for lunch, with the possibility of going to Three Fathom Harbor.  These ports will be getting ready for the start of lobster fishing.
Tyler’s presentation ended at 9:15.
There were 28 + or – people in attendance.
Millie Russell