Minutes from May 25, 2011
The meeting began at 7:00 pm and was chaired by Cliff Sandeson. The following topics were discussed.
1. A review of the 2011 – 2012 program, as prepared on April 27th, was given. Two programs were added – August 20th (Victoria Park Wildflower Walk and September 14th (Bylaw Review) and the two June field trips were re-scheduled to hopefully better co-ordinate with the wildflower bloom in Victoria Park. A new tentative schedule will be forwarded immediately but the program cannot be made official until we have a topic from George Klass for his October program.
2. I have not yet taken the time to check into rooms available for our meetings next year. I’m told that there are other rooms available at the NSCC which might be better suited to our needs and we may still want to check out First Baptist Church, Douglas Street School and the NSAC. I will discuss this with the new president and a decision will be made by September 14th. The September 14th meeting will be held in room 305, Forrester Hall, NSCC campus and this item can be number 2 on that evening’s agenda.
3. New executive positions were adopted for the 2011 – 2012 year. The new positions and their incumbents are as follows.
President – Wayne Talbot
Vice -President – Brian Russell
Past President – Cliff Sandeson
Program coordinator Cliff Sandeson
I thank Wayne and Brian very much for accepting these responsibilities and look forward to the continued success of our club under their leadership.
4. Treasurer’s Report Douglas Purdy submitted a report indicating that we had an initial balance for the year of $1413. 52. We brought in $1457.06. We spent $961.61 leaving us with a balance of $1908.97 (so we are in a position where we can afford to replace at least one blown projector bulb).
On behalf of the club, I would like to thank Douglas very much for his care and effort with respect to our club finances.
5. An agenda was proposed for our June 4th, field trip to the Annapolis Valley.
1. 8:30 Departure from Staples on Robie Street
2. Kentville Research Station – Rhododendron Photography
3. Harriett Irving Nature Center – Acadia University
4. Lunch
5. Blomidon Inn Water Gardens
6. Grand Pre National Historic Site
7. Supper
No times have been given and some items may be re-arranged as necessary depending on how long we want to spend at each location.
6. The evening program consisted of 4 parts
1. Spring theme images
2. Sight and Sound Essays
3. Congratulations Joanne and David Maxwell. May you enjoy many, many years of wedded bliss. Thank you to Sheila, Susan and Millie for working on this and for providing the cake and refreshments.
4. Favorite images submitted by members including many images from our various club activities.
Congratulations to all who submitted images to this show. There were many impressive images shown.
In addition to all of the individuals thanked above, I would like to extend a thank you to all members who fill one of our co-ordinator positions and to everyone who is a member of our club and who makes each evening enjoyable just by your presence and participation.
I have enjoyed my time as leader of this club and that was only possible because of all of the help and support that I received from all members over the years.
Thank You,
Respectfully submitted by Cliff Sandeson