Image Makers Photo Club
Truro, Nova Scotia
March 28th, 2012
Vice-President, Brian Russell opened and chaired the evening at 7:15.
President Wayne Talbot was unavailable to attend, because of sickness.
Beyond Our Lens – When Photography Becomes Art
Derek Coombs spoke regarding the art display that the club will be putting on from April 11th until May 30st, at the NSCC library.
Other committee members who have volunteered for the McCarthy Gallery committee are, Doug Purdy, Tyler Rogers, Paul Heyman, Joanne and David Maxwell, Sophie Hoeg, Angie Geldart.
Details were presented by Derek Coombs:
· There is a form (for each of your pictures) on the Imagemakers Facebook that must be filled in (print names) before the enlargements can be hung.
· The set up and hanging of the prints will take place at McCarthy hall on April 4th. Angie and Sophie will be there between 1:00 and 5:00 to do the preparation and hanging of the prints.
If you cannot come during this time, then someone will be available after 6:00. However, the doors will be locked and you will need to knock, so someone can let you in.
· At the door there will be an information pamphlet available telling about the photo club and the participants.
· The pictures will be numbered and there will be a “People’s Choice Award”, on the opening night.
· Carsand Mosher will donate four photo enlargement certificates of 16×20. The votes with the first, second, third, and fourth in greatest number of votes will receive a certificate.
· Wednesday, April 11th will be the opening night, from 7:00 to 9:00pm. We, the members are asked to arrive at 6:30.
· Entry fee per print, is $4.00. There is a limit of 10 prints each.
· The pictures for hanging can be of any size, however they do need to have a wire, as a means of hanging.
· There is a legal document for those submitting pictures to sign – this is your commitment to give 10% to the photo club, if you sell a picture. If you do sell a print, you would be asked to provide another print to fill that space. If this cannot be done, then an email can be sent out to other members, who might possibly have a print to replace the one sold.
· Wayne Talbot will be the master of ceremonies for the evening.
· HarryBentham has been asked to provide piano music for the two hour evening, at a cost of $250.00.
· Food and drink provided by the NSCC, will cost $200.00.
· The commissioner for the evening will cost $80.00.
· Small cards that will be placed on each photo will tell the maker’s name and the asking price or if it is not to be to be sold.
· This event is well advertised throughout town, sheets were available for member to take and place in other locations. Derek thanked Paul Heyman for copying these.
· There are 120 J hooks and six walls that we can use.
· Please invite your family and friends to attend especially the first evening.
· You can go to Face book to check out this information.
Derek Coombs is the contact person for this.
His email is
If you have items you want on the agenda for any of the upcoming meetings, please forward them to Wayne
~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (last Wednesday of each month) and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30.
All meetings will now be held in room 229.
~ Treasurer Douglas Purdy will accept dues at any time:
Single $15.00; Family $20.00.
~ Do you have an idea for information to go on our web site?
Please bring it to a meeting, if it is approved, then it will be given to
Tyler Rogers through email
Program for the Evening of March 28th:
Brian and Millie Russell presented 400 pictures which covered the highlights of their trip to Europe taken in the spring of 2011. They visited 7 countries and 19 cities in 16 days.
Here are some sites that will give you a 360 degree view. These are from a variety of sites we visited. It is somewhat like being there, except you look around at your own speed.
Websites of possible interest:
~ Check out our website .
~ Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia
~Canadian Association for Photographic Art E-mail:
~ The Truro Daily News is looking for community pictures.
It can be a parade, concert, new club executive, minor sports event or just about anything that paints a picture about life in Colchester County. Just send the photos with all pertinent information (who is in them, what they are doing, the date and location, etc and they will put the best ones in a photo gallery on their website and in the paper. Simply email the photos to
Upcoming Events:
April 25th, The Art of Bird Photography by Cliff Sandeson.
Theme for April “Rusty”.
Send in a maximum of three images, to Tyler by April 18th.
Please make a couple of changes to the program calendar.
1. April Seminars – April 21st not April 14th
2. June field trip – Cape Chignecto Provincial Park – June 9th,
Storm date June 16th. Thanks, Cliff
· April 21st Seminars:
Cost for members $7.00, non-members $10.00.
· Matt, from Henry’s will be one of the presenters on April 21, in the basement of the McCarthy building, note room change this year.
Between 9:00 and 10:00 he will speak on
“Travel Photography”:
· Here is a brief overview of the Travel Photography class:
Introduction – concept of Travel vs. Home photography
Preparation – What type of accessories and equipment to bring
– Useful addition bits and pieces you might need
Composing Your Shots – Rules of Composition and how they apply to Travel photography. – What not to do (classic mistakes).
Shooting Techniques – Shooting modes, fill-flash, how to shoot certain types of scenery (waterfall, architecture etc.)
People – How to treat possible subjects, how to shoot ‘undercover,’ panorama tips, raw vs. JPEG
After the Trip – Photo management, output/sharing
Between 10:30 and 12:00, Stephen Desroches will speak on
“Colors in Nature”.
· From the view of a wide panoramic landscape down to the finer details of nature, the world is full of wonderful colours and shapes. This walk through of a portfolio and the stories behind them starts from the beaches of Prince Edward Island and finishes with the canyons of the American Southwest and the Mountains of the Canadian Rockies. The seminar will conclude with an open discussion of the tools used, post processing strategies and the elements I look for on location.
· Small Bio
· Stephen Desroches is a full time designer, artist and photographer living in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Starting with Photoshop 4, Stephen has been earning a living editing pixels for the past 12 years. Learn more at his website www.stephendesroches or from his blog
· Cliff will place the notification of the seminars in the Truro paper.
· Brian and Millie will look after picking up the beverages and
Timbits from Tim Horton’s.
There were 30 members present. Meeting closed at 8:50.
Respectfully Submitted,
Millie Russell