January 25, 2012

Tyler RogersMeeting Minutes

Imagemakers Photography Club

Truro, Nova Scotia

Minutes – January 25, 2012

The meeting was opened and chaired by President Wayne Talbot at 7:15 p.m.


Business Meeting

The following items were brought to the members’ attention:

1. Wayne mentioned that the Eagle Watch in Sheffield Mills will be held on January 28th & 29th if anyone is interested.  Henry’s will be on site with “big” lenses for anyone to try out if they wish (will fit Canon and Nikon).   David Burrell said there are also lots of eagles by the Pictou Causeway and on Bayview Avenue.

2. The Town of Truro Tourism Committee sent a letter to say that they would be accepting gift and art items (ie.photos) to be sold at Truro Victoria Square.  Wayne would have the contact person if you are interested.

3. Wayne mentioned that John Sylvester will once again be offering weekend photography workshops in Prince Edward Island this summer. Full information is now on his web site.  http://www.johnsylvester.com/workshops.php There are still a few spots left in both sessions.

4. Cliff has been in contact with the Wildlife Park and has asked for the dates of February 3, 6, and 10th for Club members to visit.  He is not sure if only one date will be accepted or all three.   Only 5 people per trip are permitted.  If you are interested in going, please contact Cliff at cbsand@xplornet.com

5. Cliff mentioned the April seminars and that he is looking for ideas for presentors.  Please email Cliff if you have any suggestions.

  1. 6.   There was a brief discussion regarding email lists.  It was agreed that two lists should be set up – a list for paid-up members who would receive detailed information and a list for anyone who has showed interest and would like general information of upcoming programs, etc.   The web site would also be set up in the same fashion, with a login for members to get detailed info.  We now have 47 paid-up members.
  2. 7.  Derek Coombs and Sophie Hoeg have been working on details for a display of photos to be held at the McCarthy Gallery during the months of April and May.  A show of hands indicated there was enough interest for our Club to participate.  They would need to know a month before the exhibition the names of people who would like to enter photos and how many.  All photos must be framed with a wire on the back, ready to be hung.  A committee was formed to look after this project – Derek Coombs, Sophie Hoeg, Tyler Rogers, David & Joanne Maxwell, and Paul Heyman.

8. Douglas Purdy, Treasurer now has the member discount cards from Henry’s.   He distributed cards to those present at the end of the meeting.


Programs for the Evening

The next part of the meeting was the showing of members’ photos on the theme Misty and Moody.  There were many beautiful photos.


The main program for the evening was led by Tyler Rogers on “Exploring Lightroom”.   He listed the benefits of using Lightroom and said that it was good for large sets of photos, doing slideshows, etc.   He explained that it was much different than Elements.  He then went on to explain and demonstrate some things that could be accomplished with Lightroom.


General Info

~ Regular business meetings will begin at 7:15 (last Wednesday of each month) and the programs for the evenings will start at 7:30.   All meetings will be now be held in room 229.


~ Send photos or information you wish to be on our web site, to Tyler Rogers through email tyro@eastlink.ca.  Even better, bring him images on a CD to one of our meetings.  Please mark your name clearly on the CD.


~ Check out our website www.imagemakerstruro.ca .


Upcoming Events

February 8th (Storm date: March 11) – Using Off Camera Flash – Portrait Workshop with Tyler Rogers

February 29th – Theme:  Water;

Image Evaluation – A panel of experienced evaluators will                      discuss images provided by club members.

February 11th – Field Trip – Sleigh Ride and Lunch at Hamilton Farm, Lower                         Onslow – more info to follow


Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Number in attendance: 26


Notes taken by Donna MacNeil for Secretary Millie Russell in her absence.